The transformative intersection between the Internet, mobile and sensor technology has inspired this course. Learn to create the next generation of IoT-enabling technologies, by designing an IoT system to connect embedded sensors using commodity smartphones via low power Bluetooth Low Energy. Skills such as app development and embedded system design are practiced using various applications including a sensor station.

Internet of Things as a buzzword has caught the attention of all of us. This course will help students gain adequate knowledge on the Internet of Things. Students will be able to understand the potential of the Internet of Things for our society, in terms of impact on the lives of billions of people and on the world economy.

Students will also understand the underlying technology that powers the Internet of Things, as well as the challenges that comes with such technologies. Students will explore many real-life examples of IoT devices that are commercially available.


Our Program doesn’t teach hard skill only. The syllabus is driven by case study, so student will learn analyze and designing a system, how to develop the software, and also understand how the electronic component (hardware) works and how to integrate it with the software they created.

Analysis & Design 25%
Software Development 45%
Hardware Integration 30%

What Student will learn

  • Basic concept of the Internet of Things & Smart Technologies
  • Understand how Internet of Things devices interact each other & with users
  • Learn about the protocols used by Internet of Things devices
  • Discover the different platforms that are available to develop applications
  • Learn about commercially available devices that are already using the Internet of Things
  • Understand the current challenges of the Internet of Things
  • Hands on development of IoT devices using Arduino
  • Hands on IoT programming using Visual Block Programming tools (e.g. mBlocks)
  • Hands on mobile App programming using Visual Block Programming Tools (e.g. MIT App Inventor)


We divide our programs into two levels

Level 1 - Basic

Level 2 - Intermediate

Smart Home

In the first term, student will learn about basic IoT (Internet of Things). the goal of this term is creating simple smart home that can be controlled with Android Phone.

Smart Sensor

In the Second Term, student will learn more about sensors that can be implemented in IoT (Internet of Things) devices. The goal is creating universal remote control for electronics.

Smart GPS

In the first term of Intermediate level, student will learn how to create vihicle GPS Tracking System combinging with google maps.

Smart Garden

In the second term of Intermediate level, student will learn how to create smart hydroponic gardening system that can be controlled using Android phone.

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